10 Things I am Grateful For
20 Things I am Grateful for
So its that time of year again!! Thanksgiving... thanksgiving is especially exciting this year because I
have not gotten a home cooked meal in MONTHS. So to say I am excited to eat a homemade meal
for Thanksgiving instead of the cardboard they serve at the dining commons would be an
understatement. Also my birthday falls on Thanksgiving every four years so this break is good all
around. Here is a random fun list of things I am grateful for in my life (NOT IN ORDER)
1. My sister.. I know that sounds cliche but its so true I love her to death. Even though we are ten years a part she my best friend
2. Mattress Toppers... now this sounds alittle weird I KNOW but if you've ever slept on a bed with a nice foam mattress topper you already know whats up
3. Good friends... they make allllll the difference especially in college friends are the greatest
4. Homemade meals... I mean nothing else compares what more could you ask for in life??
5. Good music... I love being able to just throw some equality music on with whatever I'm feeling.. its an instant mood buster
6. Gods love... he is so amazing and so gracious, without his love I would be nothing. His constant love overwhelms me and makes me feel whole
A place I'm so thankful for Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 08-19-17 |
7. The ocean... the ocean takes all my worries an anxiety away. I could stay in the water forever so peace and my total happy place
8. Math tutors... hahaha I just got done a session with my algebra tutor and if it wasn't for that girl, I would be dying of panic attacks every four seconds
9. Holiday scented candles... Thanksgiving and Christmas candles from Bath and Body Works is a game changerrr. I mean who wouldn't want there room to spell like Christmas sugar cookies, or winter trees
10. HAM... I'm not much of a turkey girl, I will eat it with some gravy but tbh for thanksgiving I gotta go with ham ..... is anyone else like this? Ham over turkey annnyyy day I'd love to know!
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