Kindness Changes Lives

Today in class we watched a very inspiring speech. The man who was speaking began with telling a story about a woman he once talked to. As they sat down to talk the 75 year old woman began to tell her life story about when she use to be a prostitute. She had began selling herself at the age of fifteen and had continued to do so for ten years. One night the woman was badly beaten and left on the side of the road. Another woman saw the young beaten girl and brought her into her home. Long story short the once prostitute got her life together and ended up getting married. The lady who had once helped her passed away. When the former prostitute heard about this she bought the ladies house where her and her husband lived for the next forty years. They were known to always have their door open, and they helped anyone who needed it just like the lady had once helped her.

After hearing this story I was taken back. Just because of this little act of kindness a lady shared she was able to turn a prostitutes life around. This got me thinking, if everyone showed little acts of kindness how many other stories like this one would be shared? How many more lives could be changed?

Kindness doesn't always even mean going out of your way. You could simply smile at someone or even compliment them and it could change their whole day around. Its fascinating to see what an impact kindness can make. Its easy to pass a homeless person on the street without even caring to notice their existence, its easy to show judgment. This world is full of hate and evil. Being the light in someones life, be the happiness on a shitty day. You never know how much an impact you are capable to make.




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